Ghostly Greetings!
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Who’s the Scariest of them all?
You’ll scream, you’ll shy
And maybe just cry (of laughter)
Once you see the dreadful sights
Of the St. George's Society Toronto "Halloween Costume Photo Contest” frights!
You are invited to participate in the St. George's Society Toronto "Halloween Costume Photo Contest”. Open for all to enter - kids and kids at heart!
Toronto’s scariest and most spooktacular halloween costumes will be selected
by the Society’s Committee of Management based on originality & fun!
Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 selected photos:
Tea At The White House,
A Bit of Home, and
MakerKids' award-winning Coding, Robotics and Minecraft programs for 6-14y
Plus chocolates, cookies & more!
Entries are welcome from amateurs and professionals alike.
There is a fee for entering the competition which will be added to the Charitable Trust for future charitable donations by the Society.
Fee is $10 for a single image ('Single Entry’), multiple entries are accepted, can be paid using paypal here.
The competition will open on October 28, 2022, and close on November 2, 2022 (midnight).
Announcement of the winners will be via the Society social media channels and will be made shortly after the deadline.
To submit your entry, send it in via email to admin@stgeorgesto.org. Entries will only be deemed complete upon receipt of payment. The $10 entry fee can can paid using paypal, here.
A few guidelines for your photograph:
Ensure it is taken horizontally (landscape), not vertically;
Choose photographs that were taken within the last three years, if possible;
For the identification of entries, please name your digital files using the following format: <year>_<entry#>_<your name>_<description>.jpg / eg. 2022_1_George Smith_Halloween_Costume.jpg.
By submitting a photograph, you represent, acknowledge, and warrant that the submitted photograph is an original photograph created solely by you, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph.
Online Exhibition:
